Our tips for you Cold Calls

Our best practices for your cold calls

Cold call is a great way for your company to make your offer known to as many prospects as possible. This gives you the opportunity to start an individual dialogue with your prospect and the goal is to take it to the next step in the buying process. However, this is not something that can be improvised ! Did you know that the first 30 seconds are crucial to catch the attention your interlocutor’s attention ? In this article we propose 5 practices to apply to your cold calling strategy to optimize your sales.

Get ready !

First, make yourself comfortable and prepare the call beforehand. Of course, cold call is an exercise that can be complex and intimidating, but do not start a call with the idea in mind that it will be a failure, otherwise there will be a great chance that it will end in failure. Always take them as a fun challenge ! Set aside any distractions during your calls so that you have a clear mind and stay focused for the duration of the call. Take the time to study your caller’s profile before the call to adapt your words in order to be more convincing and show them that you know what you are talking about. In this context, personas are very useful to have a clear typical profile of the buyer. Don’t hesitate to check out our article on this topic.

Take control of the call

As the calls go on, you’ll feel like you’re only good at dialing a number and repeating the same speech all the time. To avoid this, you’ll have to give depth to your calls. With the aim of creating a relationship with each of your interlocutors, do not use a robotic tone, do not hesitate to make use of humor when the time is right. Keep in mind to leave a good impression and make sure you land the possibility of another telephone interview.

Don’t forget to close the call

This step of the call is just as important as capturing the attention of the caller at the beginning. This is the final push that will consolidate the efforts made during your conversation and this is the very objective of every call : place an appointment in your prospect’s calendar !  He may not have the time to do a long exchange with you, so this is an opportunity to plan a time when he will be more inclined to know more about what you are offering.

Stay natural

You are certainly not the only one who uses cold calls near your interlocutor. Today, telemarketers with call scripts are saturating the market and those calls are often remembered as cold and unfriendly. Do not fall in monotony. We are sure that you want to leave a completely different impression on your interlocutors. For example, during a job interview, although you prepared it beforehand, you will not recite a text to your future employer, you would completely break your chances of convincing them and lose the post. The same goes for your cold calls. You are not a robot, so the best is to keep a pleasant tone, smile on the phone (yes, it is possible to hear a smile!), feel free to use humour when the time is right and above all :  stay natural.

Pay close attention to any questions

Having control of the call does not mean having a monopoly ! So above all, do not feel unarmed if your interlocutor asks questions. That’s a good sign, it means he’s interested and that you are going in the right direction. On the contrary, think about letting your interlocutor express himself : this shows that you pay attention to their remarks and you can, at the same time, identify their needs more precisely. Finally, you can adapt your arguments to this valuable information.

To conclude, 

These 5 cold calling practices will help you to improve the quality of your calls and increase your appointment booking. They are already used by several professionals and proved effective. Be sure to constantly monitor the results of your telemarketing campaigns, for example, Airphoning offers your the possibility to have a clear perspective on your sales progress thanks to our reporting and analysis tool which also allows you to obtain statistics in real time. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more.

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